sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2023


Dear Sir,
I have investor that want to invest $6.8 Billion into a company that needs fund for expansion only.He can not invest the money to new Companies that want to start up but into Companies that has been making good profits but needs funds for EXPANSION.

His Area of concentrations are Real Estate, Biotech,Textiles , Information technology, Pharmaceuticals , Oil & Energy Industries, Mining &Metals Industry, Management Consulting Industry ,Maritime industry, Hospital & Health Care Industry, Consumer Services Industry, International Trade and Development Industry ,Gambling & Casinos Industry, Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing Industry, Insurance Industry, Chemical industries, Marketing and Advertising Industry, Leisure, Travel & Tourism Industry, Agriculture, Aviation, Retail, Import and Export, Trade and development industry, Real Estate & Construction Industry and any other viable investment opportunities just like yours.

If you recommend a Company to take loan or investment funds from from my client the investor, me and you will be entitled to 5% of any amount received by the Company from the investor but if you are taking the fund directly as a company i will be entitled to 2.5% and you will retain 2.5% as Global Finder's fee commission.
There will be a face to face meeting between the investor and the investee after signing (MOU) the (AORI) should not be less than 3% per annum.

Look for a reliable Company that need funding and we can easily make 5% of the amount received from the investor but we need to maintain absolute confidentiality in the transaction as the fund provider want to remain silent, so you have to keep it highly confidential between us.
I will need the company profile and the project summary of the company that will need funding to present to my investor.

I look forward to hearing from you.

[ ... ]

quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2023


Lieber Herr,
Ich habe einen Investor, der 6,8 Milliarden US-Dollar in ein Unternehmen investieren mцchte, das

nur Mittel fьr die Expansion benцtigt. Er kann das Geld nicht in neue Unternehmen investieren,

die grьnden wollen, sondern in Unternehmen, die gute Gewinne erzielen, aber Mittel fьr die

EXPANSION benцtigen.

Seine Schwerpunkte sind Immobilien, Biotechnologie, Textilien, Informationstechnologie,

Pharmazie, Цl- und Energieindustrie, Bergbau- und Metallindustrie,

Unternehmensberatungsindustrie, maritime Industrie, Krankenhaus- und Gesundheitsindustrie,

Verbraucherdienstleistungsindustrie, internationaler Handel und Entwicklung Industrie,

Glьcksspiel- und Kasinoindustrie, Elektro-/Elektronikindustrie, Versicherungsindustrie,

chemische Industrie, Marketing- und Werbeindustrie, Freizeit, Reise- und Tourismusindustrie,

Landwirtschaft, Luftfahrt, Einzelhandel, Import und Export, Handels- und Entwicklungsindustrie,

Immobilien und Bauwesen Industrie und andere realisierbare Investitionsmцglichkeiten wie Ihre.

Wenn Sie einem Unternehmen empfehlen, Darlehen oder Investmentfonds von meinem Kunden, dem

Investor, aufzunehmen, haben Sie und ich Anspruch auf 5 % jedes Betrags, den das Unternehmen vom

Investor erhдlt, aber wenn Sie den Fonds direkt als Unternehmen annehmen, werde ich es sein

Anspruch auf 2,5 % und Sie behalten 2,5 % als Global Finder's Fee ein.
Nach der Unterzeichnung (MOU) findet ein persцnliches Treffen zwischen dem Investor und dem

Beteiligungsunternehmen statt, der (AORI) sollte nicht weniger als 3 % pro Jahr betragen.

Suchen Sie nach einem zuverlдssigen Unternehmen, das eine Finanzierung benцtigt, und wir kцnnen

problemlos 5 % des vom Investor erhaltenen Betrags verdienen, aber wir mьssen bei der

Transaktion absolute Vertraulichkeit wahren, da der Fondsanbieter schweigen mцchte, sodass Sie

es streng vertraulich behandeln mьssen zwischen uns.
Ich benцtige das Unternehmensprofil und die Projektzusammenfassung des Unternehmens, das eine

Finanzierung benцtigt, um es meinem Investor vorzulegen.

Ich freue mich von Ihnen zu hцren.


Dear Sir,
I have investor that want to invest $6.8 Billion into a company that needs fund for expansion

only.He can not invest the money to new Companies that want to start up but into Companies that

has been making good profits but needs funds for EXPANSION.

His Area of concentrations are Real Estate, Biotech,Textiles , Information technology,

Pharmaceuticals , Oil & Energy Industries, Mining &Metals Industry, Management Consulting

Industry ,Maritime industry, Hospital & Health Care Industry, Consumer Services Industry,

International Trade and Development Industry ,Gambling & Casinos Industry, Electrical/Electronic

Manufacturing Industry, Insurance Industry, Chemical industries, Marketing and Advertising

Industry, Leisure, Travel & Tourism Industry, Agriculture, Aviation, Retail, Import and Export,

Trade and development industry, Real Estate & Construction Industry and any other viable

investment opportunities just like yours.

If you recommend a Company to take loan or investment funds from from my client the investor, me

and you will be entitled to 5% of any amount received by the Company from the investor but if

you are taking the fund directly as a company i will be entitled to 2.5% and you will retain

2.5% as Global Finder's fee commission.
There will be a face to face meeting between the investor and the investee after signing (MOU)

the (AORI) should not be less than 3% per annum.

Look for a reliable Company that need funding and we can easily make 5% of the amount received

from the investor but we need to maintain absolute confidentiality in the transaction as the

fund provider want to remain silent, so you have to keep it highly confidential between us.
I will need the company profile and the project summary of the company that will need funding to

present to my investor.

I look forward to hearing from you.

[ ... ]

terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2022


Lees voor Duitse en Nederlandse vertaling naar beneden


I am Janet L. Yellen, Secretary for International Finance of
United States Treasury Department. Be informed that your fund has
been recalled back from the offshore payment center. This Recall
was after the interception of the fraud attempt by some group of
suspected fraudulent officials who was trying to divert the fund
to another account by the International Remittance office.
It was detected after reconciliation of payment files which was
directed by Board of Directors of the United Nations Economic
Commission and the United States Treasury Department after the
financial submitting which mandated United States Treasury
Department to investigate all outstanding and approved payment
which is presently pending with offshore payment centers around
the world which your payment file was among the file and
irregularities was detected.
The fund was called back based on these findings, that upon
thorough examination of your debt records. (to ascertain the
genuineness of the chargeable claims), and to determine whether
or not the procedures of Inheritance or contract were carried out
in conformity with the existing regulations, the following
discrepancies were duly discovered.

1. Your payment procedures were being handled in an unusual
transaction pattern, which gave the avenue for all these
fallacies and also bogus promises which is totally impossible in
any part of the world and also to use it as a blackmail means of
extorting money from you. All these contributed to make it
impossible for you to receive your fund.

2. There was a large scale documentary pilferage, procedure
diversions, (using UN-existing offshore payment exercise, and
documentary subversion, procedural hijacking through fraudulent
manipulations, all meant to divert your attention by frustrating
you out of patience for possible diversion of your payment to
other account.
Based on that your fund has been recalled back by the order of
the United States Treasury Department Board of Directors for
immediate re-transfer to your account that will be provided by
you. The Board of Directors of United States Treasury Department
has appointed a trusted Financial Consultant by name Proffersor.
ANTHONY DURRANT that will oversee and approve every payment that
will be release to any foreign beneficiary.

you are required to send to this e mail below.

1. Receipt of last payment made if any.
2. how much is your fund?
3. International passport for Identification.
4. Last stage of your fund.
All documents about the funds

You are advice urgently to contact Proffersor. ANTHONY DURRANT.
whom your file has been directed to for final verification and
release to your account through our corresponding Bank, your
urgent contact to Proffersor. ANTHONY DURRANT. will be highly in
your favour based on the finding in your file and also an attempt
by some fraudulent officials to divert your fund.

Your urgent contact will be in your favour and also you are
advice to STOP any communication to any office or person

Be duly guided

yours sincerely

Janet L. Yellen
Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20220
Phone: (202) 622-2000

Tav: Begunstigde,


Ik ben Janet L. Yellen, secretaris voor internationale financiën
van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Financiën. Houd er rekening
mee dat uw fonds is teruggeroepen uit het offshore
betalingscentrum. Deze terugroepactie was na de onderschepping
van de fraudepoging door een groep vermoedelijke frauduleuze
functionarissen die probeerden het fonds door het International
Remittance Office om te leiden naar een andere rekening.
Het werd ontdekt na verzoening van betalingsbestanden die werd
geleid door de raad van bestuur van de Economische Commissie van
de Verenigde Naties en het Amerikaanse ministerie van Financiën
na de financiële indiening die het Amerikaanse ministerie van
Financiën opdracht gaf om alle uitstaande en goedgekeurde
betalingen te onderzoeken die momenteel in behandeling zijn bij
offshore betalingscentra over de hele wereld waarvan uw
betalingsbestand tussen het bestand was en onregelmatigheden
werden ontdekt.
Het fonds werd teruggeroepen op basis van deze bevindingen, dat
na grondig onderzoek van uw schuldgegevens. (om de echtheid van
de belastbare vorderingen vast te stellen), en om te bepalen of
de procedures van erfenis of contract al dan niet werden
uitgevoerd in overeenstemming met de bestaande regelgeving,
werden de volgende discrepanties naar behoren ontdekt.

1. Uw betalingsprocedures werden afgehandeld in een ongewoon
transactiepatroon, wat de weg bood voor al deze misvattingen en
ook valse beloften die in geen enkel deel van de wereld totaal
onmogelijk zijn en ook om het te gebruiken als chantagemiddel om
geld van u af te persen . Dit alles heeft ertoe bijgedragen dat
het voor u onmogelijk is geworden om uw geld te ontvangen.

2. Er was een grootschalige diefstal van documenten, omleidingen
van procedures (gebruikmakend van bestaande offshore
betalingsoefeningen, en ondermijning van documenten, procedurele
kaping door middel van frauduleuze manipulaties, allemaal bedoeld
om uw aandacht af te leiden door u te frustreren uit geduld voor
mogelijke omleiding van uw betaling naar andere rekening.
Op basis daarvan is uw fonds teruggeroepen door het bevel van de
raad van bestuur van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Financiën
voor onmiddellijke overboeking naar uw rekening die door u zal
worden verstrekt. De raad van bestuur van het Amerikaanse
ministerie van Financiën heeft een betrouwbare financiële
adviseur aangesteld met de naam Proffersor. ANTHONY DURRANT die
toezicht houdt op elke betaling die wordt vrijgegeven aan een
buitenlandse begunstigde en deze goedkeurt.

u bent verplicht om naar deze e-mail hieronder te sturen.

1. Ontvangst van eventuele laatste betaling.
2. hoeveel is uw fonds?
3. Internationaal paspoort voor identificatie.
4. Laatste fase van uw fonds.
Alle documenten over de fondsen

U wordt geadviseerd met spoed contact op te nemen met Proffersor.
ANTHONY DURRANT. aan wie uw dossier is doorgestuurd voor
definitieve verificatie en vrijgave op uw rekening via onze
corresponderende bank, uw dringende contactpersoon voor
Proffersor. ANTHONY DURRANT. zal zeer in uw voordeel zijn op
basis van de bevinding in uw dossier en ook een poging van enkele
frauduleuze ambtenaren om uw geld om te leiden.

Uw dringende contactpersoon zal in uw voordeel zijn en u wordt
ook geadviseerd om elke communicatie naar een kantoor of persoon

Laat u goed begeleiden


Janet L. Yellen
financiële afdeling
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20220
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Phone: (202) 622-2000
[ ... ]

quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2022


Good Day

I am MR. G. RUSSEL I work with Lloyds Bank London I have a private deal I will want to discuss with you please give me your most private email and telephone numbers so that I can send you details.

My private email

Kindest Regards


[ ... ]

terça-feira, 1 de junho de 2021

RE: NFSe de devolucao 22017745235906879


0000022017745235906879000220177452359068790000.xml (283,2 kb)


Segue a Nota gerada de serviços prestados em 28/05. 

Número da NFe : 2201774523590687900022017745
CCM : 4748

Tenha um bom dia.
[ ... ]

quinta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2019

Boleto referente a taxa de R$ 487,90 reais, referente ao contrato 1335018

   Boleto1335018.pdf (202 KB)


Segue anexo o boleto referente a taxa de R$ 487,90 reais, referente ao contrato 1335018

*Obs: Email automatico, caso necessario retornar esse email



[ ... ]

07.Limpe seu nome e aumente seu score por apenas 100,00. - [ id 367486544 ]

Removo toda e qualquer negativacao que tenha em seu nome.
cartorios, cheque sem fundo, serasa, ccf e todos os outros orgaos negativadores.
Retiro tudo em 4 horas.

Regras para contratar do serviço:

Como é feito ?
Diretamente nos sistemas de proteção e faço a alteração manual de seu registro e o aumento do SCORE.
Você não precisa ir ao credor pagar a dívida e nem renegociar, e no momento em que for abrir um crediário, solicitar talões de cheque, fazer empréstimos, financiamentos de automóveis ou imóveis, nada vai constar em seu CPF/CNPJ.
Ninguém pode ser negativado duas vezes pela mesma divida.
Qual o prazo para que meu CPF/CNPJ esteja limpo ?
Após a confirmação do Pagamento, levo 4 horas para que esteja limpo e com o score alto.
O que e SCORE ?
É a pontuação que esta relacionada ao seu risco de CREDITO se é bom ou ruim. Quanto menor seu SCORE, maior o seu risco. Em geral a pontuação varia de 0 a 1000 onde 0 e altíssimo risco e 1000 e baixíssimo risco. ou seja, quanto maior seu score mais fácil de você conseguir empréstimos, financiamento, cartões e tudo mais.
E você vai aumentar meu SCORE para quanto ?
O SCORE depende de vários fatores: idade, endereço, profissão e outros, então não podemos te dar um numero exato, mas garantimos que vai ficar entre 900 e 970.
Como efetuo o pagamento e qual o valor  ?
Antecipadamente via DEPOSITO BANCÁRIO.
R$ 100,00 por cada CPF ou CNPJ, independente do numero de dividas, ou seja, e taxa única.
Porque tenho que pagar antecipado ?
A única garantia que tenho que vou receber e esta. recebendo antecipado.
Qual a minha garantia ?
O comprovante de DEPOSITO é uma garantia.
Me indique alguém que você já fez o serviço.
Não uso meus clientes como exemplo para ninguém, assim como você também não iria gostar que te indicasse para ser usado como referencia para pessoas que você não conhece.
Pode fazer uma consulta para saber quanto e onde devo e quanto esta meu score ?
Devido dezenas de pessoas me procurarem todo dia apenas para ter uma consulta de graça, não faço nem uma consulta antes de você efetuar o pagamento, em compensação junto do NADA CONSTA que te entrego, você leva todas as consultas completas com o antes e depois de seu nome limpo.
Quando lhe informo meu CPF ou CNPJ ?
Junto do comprovante de deposito escaneado.
Quais documentos preciso enviar ?
Numero do CPF ou CNPJ e o comprovante de deposito.
Quais as consequências negativas ?
Não existe.
Quais as consequências positivas ?
Seu credito recuperado e score alto em 4 horas.
Recuperação feita direta no sistema.
Pode fazer financiamentos, empréstimos, cartões de credito, cheques e tudo mais.
Seu CPF ou CNPJ fica NADA CONSTA em qualquer sistema de consulta como SERASA, CCF, CARTÓRIOS DE PROTESTOS, SPC, BACEN E todos os outros.

Cred Novo
28/11/2019 11:43:04
[ ... ]